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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Goodbye Irene!

It almost 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and we (I) survived the worst of Irene. It got so bad for a while last night that for the first time in months I didn't go near my computer. I was glued to the TV, actually concerned about the wind, water and most important, losing my power (lights and other utilities). By around 2:00 a.m. I got into bed as the windows rattled and the roof felt like it was gonna be blown off. I figured, what would be would be and I managed to get some sleep. I woke shortly before 7:00 a.m. and the wind and rain was still rattling and the TV, still on, at least gave me immediate assurance that my power was still on! Nice!

So now its almost 10:00 a.m. and I think the worst is over! I'm feeling pretty confident that what could have been devastating turned out to be not so bad. Perhaps as the storm continues and ultimately ends, we will find out that more damage and destruction has taken place which as of right now, no one knows about. But none-the-less, this wasn't that bad!

Thanks to those of my friends who texted me during the night and early this morning. It gave me a bit of distraction to the monotony of 24/7 TV news coverage. Although it's not over yet, Irene's punch seems to be weakening or possibly moving past us here in the NYC area. Goodbye Irene!

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